A literature and practice based review: Should deaf children be educated within the deaf community?

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A literature and practice based review: Should deaf children be educated within the deaf community?

Example education dissertation topic 4:

A literature and practice based review: Should deaf children be educated within the deaf community?

There is a school of thought that sees the inclusion of greater number of deaf children into mainstream secondary education as discriminatory. This is because it removes such children from their cultural heritage. At the same time, there is, within the maintained sector, a limited number of resources for SEN provision. Given the inclusion agenda adopted by the previous Labour administration this dissertation addresses the contrary needs of inclusion versus parental choice within a context of ensuring the best education provision for individual children.

Suggested initial topic reading:

  • Armstrong, D. (2005) ‘Reinventing inclusion: New Labour and the cultural politics of special education’, Oxford Review of Education, Vol. 31(1), pp. 135-151.
  • Norwich, B. (2008) Dilemmas of difference, inclusion and disability. London: Routledge.