According to Locke, what is the importance of A Government?

Discuss John Locke’s Form of Government.
August 13, 2019
Do you find Locke’s expansive vision of toleration useful and ethical? Why or why not?
August 13, 2019

According to Locke, what is the importance of A Government?

Question Description

The prompt for my essay is:

“You are to choose one subject from our curriculum that you found to be the most influential or insightful, and write a 1 – 1 &1/2 page explanation on why you found it to be as engaging as you did. You may wish to choose a painting, a poem, a song, an event, or even one of the litany of figures that we’ve discussed from the realms of art, literature, history, and politics. Keep in mind, this SHOULD NOT BE AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUBJECT PER SE, BUT INSTEAD AN ASSESSMENT OF WHY YOU FOUND THE SUBJECT TO BE INFLUENTIAL. The assignment will be graded with the same measure of assessment as your essays, and the substance for your writing of course, should be steeped in your own opinion.”

The topic i have chosen is John Locke, who claimed that government was responsible for providing its subjects with life, liberty and property (pursuit of happiness) and more specifically his contributions to Thomas Jefferson and overall his famous idea of the pursuit of happiness.

please follow instructions exactly