Among our discussions of drones, autonomous vehicles, the Arctic, and energy, we have made a few discoveries. Among these is the conclusion that technology issues are frequently a critical element in shaping policy questions.

Research the trends or practices using the University Library and the internet.
August 21, 2019
Based on your experiences, what are the three most important types of privacy that are mentioned in the article? 
August 21, 2019

Among our discussions of drones, autonomous vehicles, the Arctic, and energy, we have made a few discoveries. Among these is the conclusion that technology issues are frequently a critical element in shaping policy questions.

Question Description

Your goal in answering the questions is not to regurgitate or list facts, but to be smart and thoughtful. Demonstrate mastery, reflection and critical analysis of the readings and, maybe, appropriate evaluation of topics from our classroom discussions. The best answers will draw from (and refer specifically to) a variety of the class readings, making several specific points and a concluding/analytical/summary observation that relates the examples and make a broader point. Be sure to specifically refer to the author’s name and idea(s) when appropriate.

There are two questions. Answer both of them. Observe the word limits. Such limits pose a real challenge for some students, but they are a deliberate pedagogical tool. Ensure that your answer is within the limits. Proofread, and rewrite. Enjoy.

Question 1. Among our discussions of drones, autonomous vehicles, the Arctic, and energy, we have made a few discoveries. Among these is the conclusion that technology issues are frequently a critical element in shaping policy questions.

Considering our readings, discussions, and/or current events, discuss the importance of technology in public policy. Use two or more of the topics we have addressed, drawing from our readings, discussions and the text as appropriate. Remember that the student web site,, is available to you. Your essay should be the one we use as an illustration of what good work looks like. WORD LIMIT: 700 words (725 max). 70 points.

Question 2. BBC offers 12 issues we should be paying attention to, each of which has foreign and domestic policy concerns. Consider one of these 12 issues –… – with respect to our economics/budget chapter and/or supplemental readings. Which of these is the most interesting to you, and why is it important? WORD LIMIT: 50 words (55 max). 10 points.