An investigation into perceptions of the effects of irritable bowel syndrome amongst judges and their ability to achieve occupational balance and engagement- with specific reference to those sitting upon the Midland circuit.

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An investigation into perceptions of the effects of irritable bowel syndrome amongst judges and their ability to achieve occupational balance and engagement- with specific reference to those sitting upon the Midland circuit.

Example occupational therapy dissertation topic 9:

An investigation into perceptions of the effects of irritable bowel syndrome amongst judges and their ability to achieve occupational balance and engagement- with specific reference to those sitting upon the Midland circuit.

Noting not only the stressful environment in which judges upon the Midland circuit work but also the often debilitating effects of irritable bowel syndrome, this is a dissertation that seeks to offer practical institutional remedies for accommodating the needs of judges with the condition based around Birmingham. In focusing upon this profession, this dissertation synthesis existing secondary literature upon the mechanisms that can be put into place within the work environment to ensure that professionals with the condition can maximise their work output with the unique working environment and expectations of legal professions. Accordingly, it uses primary research to add to the limited body of knowledge presently available on this aspect of occupational therapy and makes a valuable contribution to stress management in a profession in which focus is essential.

Suggested initial topic reading:

  • Jolly-Ryan, J. (2009). Promoting mental health in law schools: What law schools can do for law students to help them become happy, mentally healthy lawyers. University of Louisville Law Review, 48, pp. 95-103.
  • Wilhelm, K., Kovess, V., Rios-Seidel, C. and Finch, A. (2004). Work and mental health. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 39(11), pp. 866-873.
  • Zimmerman, I. M. (2006). Helping judges in distress. Judicature, 90, pp. 10-15.