Analysis is about Flight vs. Invisibility.

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July 25, 2019

Analysis is about Flight vs. Invisibility.

Question Description

Hi, you need to do 2 analysis.

1. The first one is write an analysis after read a website, the link is :

The website is talking about Subjective vs. objective.

At the end of the Prezi, you’re asked to analyze a short paragraph and say what side you’re on and why. Do not discuss whether you’re for or against abortion. Instead, you should discuss whether “objective” or “subjective” arguments are the best for this type of topic.

2. The second analysis is about Flight vs. Invisibility.

Either listen to or read Act 1 of an episode of This American Life called “Superheroes.” The first act is called “Invisible Man vs. Hawkman” (I often refer to this as “Flight vs. Invisibility,” but that’s what I mean.)