Analyze the Articles “Why Kids Sext” and “Visible Man.”

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Analyze the Articles “Why Kids Sext” and “Visible Man.”

Question Description

Article 1:… Why Kids Sext

Article 2: file—-Visible Man

writing requirement:

reading 2 article “why kids sext” and “visible man” answer the question of ” In the age of technology and social media, how does one balance the private self with the public image. new essay only need five paragraph, 1introduction, 3 body paragraphs [ each body paragraph need 2 quotes—one from “visible man”, another from “why kids sext”,] and 1 conclusion, like:

1paragraph: introduction (you can summary 2 essay, and answer the reading question)–do not need quote

2paragraph: body paragraph, use your viewpoint to support your thesis—-need 2 quotes \one from “visible man”, another from “why kids sext”

3paragraph: body paragraph, use your viewpoint to support your thesis—–need 2 quotes \one from “visible man”, another from “why kids sext”

4paragraph: body paragraph, use your viewpoint to support your thesis——need 2 quotes \one from “visible man”, another from “why kids sext”

5 conclusion,

important : do not use other articles and authors appear in this paper