Based on a careful reading of a number of documents (I’m thinking at least five, but perhaps more) write a paper discussing how the goals of people fighting in Saint-Domingue changed.

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August 19, 2019

Based on a careful reading of a number of documents (I’m thinking at least five, but perhaps more) write a paper discussing how the goals of people fighting in Saint-Domingue changed.

Question Description

Topic: Based on a careful reading of a number of documents (I’m thinking at least five, but perhaps more) write a paper discussing how the goals of people fighting in Saint-Domingue changed.

To consider: Make sure to reference specific groups of people, specific documents, and remember that the revolution began as one thing and became something else. Unlike the previous papers, this paper is better as a chronological narrative – written as a story about what happened based on sources. You do not need to write this as the story of a triumph – a lot of students feel the need to write history papers that document how this is the story of life getting better. This does not help your historical analysis at all. Just write a direct paper that responds to the prompt.

down below is attached few documents from chapter 9 “the war of independence” within that chapter the documents are numbered. background information is on pages 168-170 and the document’s are numbered in bold throughout the readings. the first document is numbered 74 bonaparte on slave emancipation. please use 5 documents from the readings attached below. 750 words.