Both Plato and Descartes argue that one can achieve philosophical enlightenment in the face of interpretive limitations

How did Plato distinguish between knowledge and opinion?
July 27, 2019
“The Matrix: A Modern Take on the Allegory of the Cave.”
July 27, 2019

Both Plato and Descartes argue that one can achieve philosophical enlightenment in the face of interpretive limitations

Question Description

Step-By-Step Method (also known as point-by-point method)

  • Introduction
    • Broad overview
    • Identification of topic / narrowing of subject
    • Thesis: Both Plato and Descartes argue that one can achieve philosophical enlightenment in the face of interpretive limitations
  • First point of comparison: Both Plato and Descartes argue that humans are trapped by interpretive and intellectual limitations
    • Descartes (dream hypothesis) – body paragraph #1
    • Plato (prisoners trapped in the cave) – body paragraph #2
    • Explain the similarity between the positions of Plato and Descartes
  • Second point of comparison: Both Plato and Descartes argue that one can nevertheless obtain philosophical certainty, the Truth.
    • Descartes (concept of God / “I think; therefore I am”) – body paragraph # 3
    • Plato (concept of the universal good / allegory of the journey to the higher realm) – paragraph #4
    • Explain the similarity between the positions of the two authors
    • Conclusion
    • In a 1000+ word academic essay, argue that Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” serves as a philosophical basis for the movie Matrix.