Can organizations be genuinely culpable?

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Can organizations be genuinely culpable?

1 ‘It is not that the object seems good to us because we desire it; rather,
we desire it because it seems good to us.’ Discuss.
2 Either (a) Is a perfectionist view of well being implausibly elitist?
Or (b) How much should you care about your needs?
3 In what sense, if any, are moral claims a projection of our sentiments?
4 Either (a) How, if at all, could moral facts motivate?
Or (b) Is morality a useful fiction?
5 Can organizations be genuinely culpable?
6 Can you be obliged to trust?
7 Can a right to abortion be grounded in a right to bodily autonomy?
8 Either (a) Is it possible to wrong someone by making them exist?
Or (b) Is there an ethically salient distinction between medical
treatment and medical enhancement?
9 Can your action have moral worth if you help your friend because you
want to and because you know that you morally ought?
10 In what way, if any, do you contradict yourself in making a false