Can science do without induction?

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Can science do without induction?

1. Is the method of physics applicable to all other sciences?
2. Are there revolutions in science?
3. Can science do without induction?
4. Does it matter for a theory of scientific method that science is a communal
5. If the Kuhnian scheme of scientific development is correct, can there be
Popperian falsification of theories?
6. “The only principle that does not inhibit progress is: anything goes.” (Paul
Feyerabend) Discuss.
7. Is a realist attitude justified towards the theories of modern physics?
8. Can the social sciences be truly scientific?
9. Is understanding the brain sufficient for understanding the mind?
10. Does modern evolutionary theory show that ‘human nature’ is a myth?
11. Should moral or political values inform science?
12. Is it ever reasonable to believe the truth of P on the basis of the fact that P
is the best explanation of Q? Discuss with reference to at least one example.