Can the principle of fair play ground political obligation?

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Can the principle of fair play ground political obligation?

1 As a democrat, should I change my mind if I am out-voted?
2 Either (a) ‘The Levelling-Down Objection is a fatal blow against
equality.’ Discuss.
Or (b) Is non-comparative egalitarianism superior to its
comparative counterpart?
3 Can the principle of fair play ground political obligation?
4 Should egalitarians support affirmative action?
5 Do health and safety laws curtail my freedom?
6 ‘Democracy has no intrinsic value.’ Discuss.
7 Should we compensate people for expensive tastes?
8 Either (a) Can social contract theories explain why we must obey
the state?
Or (b) Do we have a right to rebel against legitimate authority?
9 ‘The just state must be consigned to the category of the round square
and the married bachelor.’ Discuss.
10 Either (a) Can something we consent to make us unfree?
Or (b) Is negative liberty just about what opportunities we have?