Cardiovascular Alterations

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Cardiovascular Alterations

Cardiovascular Alterations
The cardiovascular system is paramount to survival, and alterations may arise from
different etiologies (Lopez et al., 2021). These diseases include Angina, Heart failure,
Inflammatory heart disease, NSTEMI, etc.
This paper analyzes the symptoms, treatments, complications, medications, and patient outcomes
related to these diseases.
Considering the importance of the cardiovascular system in oxygen and nutrient transport,
alterations may hamper these functions. Therefore an understanding of these is key to fostering
disease identification and management.
Description: The short lasting burning, or squeezing feeling in the chest caused by reduction
in coronary perfusion, due to coronary artery disease (CAD). It is usually induced by effort or
activity. (Rousan & Thadani, 2019)
Chest pain, feeling of heaviness, squeezing or burning sensation, & shortness of breath
– Drug therapy with Beta blockers such as Atenolol, Calcium channel blockers such as
Amlodipine & Verapamil, Nitrates such as Nitroglycerin, and Sodium channel blockers
Rest and less stressful exercises (Rousan & Thadani, 2019)
Unstable angina, Cardiac arrhythmia, Heart attack, Death
Atenolol/Bisoprolol, Nitroglycerin or other Nitrates, Amlodipine/Verapamil/Diltiazem,
Ranolazine (Rousan & Thadani, 2019)
Patient Goals/Outcomes:
Reduction in chest pain, improved perfusion, and reduce morbid outcomes

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Description: This is the chest pain that occurs with increased frequency, duration, and
intensity, and can be precipitated even in less stressful situations (Goyal & Zeltser, 2022)
Symptoms: Chest pain which is not relieved by Nitroglycerin or rest, Shortness of breath,
rapid breathing (Goyal & Zeltser, 2022)
Treatments: – Drug therapy with Aspirin or anti-platelet therapy, Nitrates such as
Nitroglycerin, Beta blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Sodium channelblockers
Rest and less stressful exercises (although this may not relieve unstable angina)
– Oxygen therapy (Goyal & Zeltser, 2022)
Complications: Myocardial infarction, Stroke, Death (Goyal & Zeltser, 2022)
Medications: – Aspirin or anti-platelet therapy – Nitroglycerin to improve perfusion – Beta
blockers like Atenolol, – Calcium channel blockers like Verapamil, – Ranolazine (Sodium
channel blocker) (Goyal & Zeltser, 2022)
Patient Goals/Outcomes: Alleviation of symptom