Clarify the primary differences between Plato and Aristotle regarding whether moral knowledge is sufficient to ensure proper action.

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July 29, 2019
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July 29, 2019

Clarify the primary differences between Plato and Aristotle regarding whether moral knowledge is sufficient to ensure proper action.

Question Description

Choose One of these two questions: A or B and write about it

A. Clarify the primary differences between Plato and Aristotle regarding whether moral knowledge is sufficient to ensure proper action.Touch on Aristotle’s diagnostic claims in this part, and his notion of akrasia or “weakness of the will.”After explaining this, take a position offer an argument regarding whether or not you think that akrasia is points to a fundamental flaw in our nature, or if it can be overcome with sufficient knowledge and habituation.What is important here is your view of the matter independently of Plato or Aristotle. Please make textual references to support your interpretive remarks.

B. Offer a critical review of Kant’s view of moral evil based on your reading of Stevenson and the excerpts from Kant’s works offered in the Reader.Do you think that Kant’s idea of the progress that is possible for the species, is probable given how he describes our moral proclivities as individuals?Put differently, is it possible that we could vacillate between eras of relative peace and civility and eras of war and decadence?Make historical observations of your own to frame your answer to this question.