Clearly explain the optimisation such programmers are expecting

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Clearly explain the optimisation such programmers are expecting

Compiler Construction (TGG)
Functional programmers will often rewrite a recursive function such as
fun fact1 n =
if n <= 1
then 1
else n * (fact1 (n -1))
to one such as
fun fact2 n =
let fun aux (m, a) =
if m <= 1
then a
else aux(m-1, m * a)
in aux (n, 1) end
using an accumulator (the parameter a of aux) and tail recursion.
(a) Clearly explain the optimisation such programmers are expecting from the
compiler and how that optimisation might improve performance. [4 marks]
(b) The desired optimisation can be performed by a compiler either directly on
the source program or on lower-level intermediate representations. Treating
it as a source-to-source transformation, rewrite fact2 to ML code that has
been transformed by this optimisation. You will probably use references and
assignments as well as the construct while EXP do EXP. [8 marks]
(c) Suppose that the programmer used instead a function as an accumulator.
fun fact3 n =
let fun aux (m, h) =
if m <= 1
then h(1)
else aux(m-1, fn r => m * (h r))
in aux (n, fn x => x) end
Will your optimisation still work in this case? Explain your answer in detail.
[8 marks