Components of Research Paper

Split-night Titration with CPAP
November 21, 2021
Introduction to Business
November 21, 2021

Components of Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of motor development at a particular stage of life and to learn the diversity of personal styles.

In order to complete this assignment, please consider the following: (1) Research design: select any motor skills that you want to explore for the participants. Decide at least one or two interventions or exposures that impact motor skills. The outcome of the interventions or exposures should be measurable. Please see below for examples of the intervention. (2) Recruitment: recruit one of the following age groups such as toddler, children, adolescence, adult, and senior. (3) Conduct the research: collect the data.

Components of Research Paper

After conducting the research, write a summary paper by considering the following components.

Intro: main purpose (why this research was important or interesting)
Demographic: participants’ demographic information such as gender, age, experiences
Study design: explain how the research was designed by focusing on the interventions or exposures that are applied to the participants.
Hypothesis: discuss what you expected to happen (results) in this research
Procedure: summarize the methods you undertook for the research. Elaborate procedures including when, where, how, and under what conditions the data was obtained.
Result: provide the result of the research
Analysis/Discussion: discuss and compare the results to the hypothesis. What are some effects and impacts of the interventions or exposures? What is the implication in research? What did you learn through this research?

size: size of the ball, bat, racquet
time: time pressure/sufficient time
sensory (vision & hearing): dominant eyes vs non dominant eyes/ hearing vs no hearing
equipment: modified equipment (tennis balls, volleyballs)
day vs night
music vs without music
indoor vs outdoor
athletic clothes vs casual clothes
energy drink (sports) vs water
Under Armor vs Nike

internal (focus on body movements) vs external focus (focus on outcomes of movements)

Dominant hand (leg) vs Non-Dominant hand (leg)

Motivation: intrinsic vs extrinsic

Psychology: pressure/ anxiety/ confidence (feedback/reinforcement)

*If you want to explore any other interventions, it is highly encouraged.