Connectionism and Supported Learning

How Does This Relate to Me?
July 6, 2020
Group Counseling
July 6, 2020

Connectionism and Supported Learning

Part 1: Identify three words from this weeks content and research each word in the context of learning and cognition. Explain in your own words what each word means and how it is used in the context of learning and cognition.
The three word are ( connectionism intermental intramental)
Part 2: Based on Connectionism and Supported Learning research one scholarly article pertaining to zone of proximal development that was published within the last 10 years. Provide a summary explanation of the findings on proximal development in the context of your article. What implications should scholars consider based on this information? Support your explanation utilizing your course sources and your researched article.
Part 3: Review 4. Fabrication Falsification and Plagiarism in the AERA Code of Ethics
What implications should be considered in your scholarly writing? What can you do each week to assure you are conducting yourself ethically based on this area of ethical standards?
Each journal entry should be 400 to 700 words in length and should establish your understanding of the content apply appropriate methods of ethical practices and exhibit appropriate scaffolding of personal experience to the weeks content.