Critically examine the motivation for international accounting research.

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August 15, 2019

Critically examine the motivation for international accounting research.

Question Description

Assignment tasks :-

refer to the case study in the attached (pdf) file and answer the following :

1 : Critically examine the motivation for international accounting research( 500 words )

2 : Discuss how the suppliers and demanders of information contributed to the field of accounting research . (250 words)

* Guidance Notes and Format of the Assignment :- 

1- Introduction and Objectives of the report >> Short introduction to the report setting out the aims and Objectives of the report are, what the report will cover and why . ( 150 words ) .

2- Assignment Tasks >> you need to critically evaluate the reburied questions while identifying the issues and problems .

3- Conclusion and learning derived >> the conclusion should briefly and clearly synthesize the key points of your analysis and what you learn . (150 words )