CTU Benefits Of A Career As An Accountant With Warren Averett

DHL Services Marketing Communication
June 29, 2019
Discrimination At Work
June 29, 2019

CTU Benefits Of A Career As An Accountant With Warren Averett

Question Description

This assignment assesses your ability to apply Microsoft Word to potential marketing campaigns and for business needs. Please prepare a one-page brochure or flyer using MS Word in support of a business headquartered in the USA in your chosen field. You must have a minimum of 200 words. The company must align with your career choice for assignment 1 and you should present the material as if you were going to a job fair and trying to recruit applicants to your chosen field. Include appropriate graphics and information (you should be the original author—this means if you copy from a company website, you are plagiarizing), to produce a tasteful item. This item could become a piece of your writing portfolio that employers may request. The page should demonstrate an understanding of the company, be well organized, and tastefully attractive. It should also be computer generated with strong visual appeal and use it to make your career more desirable.

An example flyer is: NADP-Public-Annoucement-Flyer.doc (IN ATTACHMENT)

Another example that should be two pages rather than 3: Physician_Benefits_Brochure.doc (IN ATTACHMENT)

An example brochure is: Brochure.doc (IN ATTACHMENT

This assignment is used to assess your ability to create a simple Web page. Use basic HTML or any web-authoring program to create a page about your career, an organization or business that is involved with your career choice and include the information you collected for your first assignment. Include text, pictures, a graphic of some sort of data attributed to your career choice, and at least three hyperlinks