Current and Emerging Technology

How do you predict that technology will transform human lives and worldview and over the next century?”
August 22, 2019
Discuss the risk and reward trade-off as it relates to the security market line for various investment vehicles.
August 22, 2019

Current and Emerging Technology

Question Description
Subject: Current and Emerging Technology

Question: With the arrival of reliable, fast, networked digital information, businesses can track the location and status of all kinds of objects, such as cars and bicycles. This is introducing a new business model different from individual ownership—now, using a car can become a “subscription” service. What options are there for “subscribing” to a car instead of owning one? How about for a bicycle? Are there other businesses you can identify that would be able to take advantage of digital information and become subscription services instead of vendors of a physical product? What are the advantages to the consumer of subscription over ownership? What are the drawbacks?


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The future is unpredictable, but we need to plan to take in to consideration about the conditions that can create some loss. I wonder how the engineers have developed the autonomous vehicle that can effect the travel which are used for planning of roads that can insist with public and private way to encourage the policies as they restrict the users in which we need to be fair convenient that can be mobile which can reduce the accident which ca reduce the pollution problems .The predictions can be made within the people that can have the financial interest which may depend upon the experience with some innovations such as digital cameras and also the web utilization . The technical issues will arise, and one need to safeguard in all situations. In such a way the advent of new technologies can affect the failures which may be sometimes frustrating to the individual.

Benefits and costs:

Autonomous vehicles mostly reduce the stress in which the self-driving cars which allow passengers to relax and reach the destination.

Self-driving cars which can reduce the stress with all the discomforts which reduce the demand in response.

These self-driving cars provides independent with respect to the mobility as well as security which directly benefits as well as improves the aces to education.

Subscription models:

Every time it is advantage for both the customer and the business to subscribe and it is time continent which can be something which can be on regular basis and we don’t keep turn up. The best thing is the one where we personalize with which have the products in which we cannot carry it in something time. It mostly depends on how we see our business and there is benefit that can have the customer in long term goals.


It will be paid with the more margin as it feels to require paying more from the customer end it means it shows to grow their business faster for the future income.

The predictions are much easier to guess, and the idea will be so closer in which we have the requirements for the income we spend.

The large companies like amazon can have the medium offers which can sell the customer rate once in a year as the way which can regulate which can communicate.

Volumes are always difficult which can have the balance the way which can need the subscription as a way which try to find the business.


T Littman in 2018 Retrieved by Autonomous Vehicle implementation predictions

The pros and cons of subscription ecommerce models Retrieved in Feb 2015…


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