Deepfake Videos: Detection Methods

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Deepfake Videos: Detection Methods

Deepfake Videos: Detection Methods
Context of the Problem
In the past few years, the issue of face-manipulated videos has received significant
attention. This has been so particularly due to the advent of deepfake technologies that can
manipulate videos and images using deep-learning tools. With the deepfake algorithm, faces
in the target video can be replaced with faces in the source video employing either generative
adversarial networks or autoencoders. With deepfake technology, it is possible to create face-
manipulated videos and photos, provided that the creator can access considerable amounts of
data. Although deepfake videos are not well understood by the public, they are constantly
creating fear among people. It is quite hard to trust what one reads or watches because it is
quite difficult to tell the difference between deep fakes and genuine videos. There is also
much concern, given that it can be used to destroy someone’s reputation and compromise
their integrity. Therefore, there is a concern on how to tell if a video is genuine or a deepfake.
Brief Introduction of the Problem
As with several developments in the history of man, deepfake videos have their
origins in pornography. Although the manipulation of images has been around for several
years, deepfakes came to life and public life in 2017 when a user on Reddit created deepfake
pornographic content videos featuring celebrities. In these videos, celebrity faces were
swapped into adult actors’ bodies. Although the group involved with this content was banned,
deepfakes around pornographic content continue to be developed and shared online. Since
these deepfakes featured in public, several organizations have established apps that rely on
this technology. Some of these apps may be much less advanced, producing less life-like
results. Deepfakes from such apps can be easily detected as such, meaning that there is no
problem detecting that the video is fake. However, some apps are quite advanced and are