Describe the children’s responses, their conversation with you, and their logical reasoning about the scenarios

Particular Action you want your audience to take
December 28, 2022
Sales Negotiation
December 28, 2022

Describe the children’s responses, their conversation with you, and their logical reasoning about the scenarios


CDV 330

Homework Assignment #2 (10 points)

Required APA formatting:

  1. Correct APA title page with correct margins (1 point)
  2. Correct running header for homework content (which is different from the title page running header) and appropriate page numbers throughout document (1 point).


  1. Complete the following and bring to class on the due date.
    1. You will not be turning this in online.
  2. Your response should be one to three pages and typewritten.
  3. Staple an additional piece of blank lined paper to the assignment.
  4. Discuss the following with at least two different school age children, of different ages (between 6 and 12 years). Write down the children’s responses to each scenario.
    1. Do not reveal actual names (use code names/words).
    2. Let the reader know the ages of your school age children.
    3. Describe the children’s responses, their conversation with you, and their logical reasoning about the scenarios.
  5. Interview transcript format
    1. Write the responses for both children directly under each question with a bullet point. This will make it easier for you to analyze for our in-class activity on the due date.

Two scenarios to present to students:

1) You and your friend go to the corner store to buy some chips. You notice that your friend puts a candy bar and a pack of gum in his/her pocket but only pays for the gum. What should you do and why(4 points; 2 points/child)

Student #1 code name and age – Write their response to this question here….

Student #2 code name and age – Write their response to this question here….

2) A friend’s little sister wants to play a game with the both of you, but you know that your friend does not want to include his/her younger sibling. What will you do and why(4 points; 2 points/child)

Student #1 code name and age – Write their response to this question here….

Student #2 code name and age – Write their response to this question here….