Describe the main characters in Oedipus the King.

Who or what is to blame for the tragic outcomes in Oedipus. What do these events suggest about the characters or the themes in the play?
August 2, 2019
Discuss how Oedipus the King meets the standards for tragedy set out by Aristotle in his work Poetics: “Tragedy is an imitation of an action of high importance, complete and of some amplitude; in language enhanced by distinct and varying beauties; acted not narrated; by means of pity and fear effecting its purgation of these emotions.”
August 2, 2019

Describe the main characters in Oedipus the King.

Question Description

1) Describe the main characters (personality, characteristics):


b. Jocasta


d. Tiresias

2) How do the characters contribute to the plot? (This section should only be 2 paragraphs long).

3) What is a possible theme of the play? Provide at least 3 examples (each example should only be

1 or 2 sentences long).

a.Example 1

b. Example 2

c.Example 3


2-3 pages long

Double Spaced

No Works Cited page required

No outline