Describe the ride sharing market. How much market share does Lyft have? Does Lyft have a competitive advantage? What is their core competency?

Conduct a Brand Extension Analysis.
August 22, 2019
Explain the pros and cons of implementation of the Technology trends or practices in the future.
August 22, 2019

Describe the ride sharing market. How much market share does Lyft have? Does Lyft have a competitive advantage? What is their core competency?

Question Description

The case about (Lyft company)

1- Description of company, what is Lyft? Describe the company, how it got started, what it provides, competition, etc. (2 pages)

2- Describe the ride sharing market. How much market share does Lyft have? Does Lyft have a competitive advantage? What is their core competency? (2 pages)

3-Use specific data and measures to determine the level of success of the marketing plan. What is the company’s return on marketing? (Marketing margin). How do the numbers compare to other companies such as Uber? (2 pages)

4- Describe the future challenges that Lyft might face. How would autonomous vehicles affect Lyft? Would it help or hurt? What would you recommend to be the future marketing strategy be? (2 pages)