Discuss global social movement?

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August 20, 2019
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August 20, 2019

Discuss global social movement?

Question Description
(3-5 pages double spaced)

Each question is worth 3 points. One point will be given to mechanics and citation. Be sure to apply relevant sociological concepts in your answers.

1) Is this an example of a global social movement?

Why or Why not? Pay particular attention to:

– Social context in which the movement has received support (what do these

have in common, how are they different?

– Social location; the voices we hear AND importantly, the voices we don’t hear;

who benefits from these discussions, whose concerns are represented, whose

concerns are not?

2) Do you think the movement will have the power to make a difference in the world?

Use examples to explain why or why not. Be specific about claims and grievances

as they relate to movement goals and success.

3) Provide three suggestions to the [#MeToo organizers/United Nations Women] who

hope to spark a global social movement?

Attached is a a rubric of the context and task and considerations. NO PLAGIARISM.