Discuss how anthropologists define language, distinguishing between human use of linguistic symbols and forms of nonhuman communication.

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June 28, 2019
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June 28, 2019

Discuss how anthropologists define language, distinguishing between human use of linguistic symbols and forms of nonhuman communication.

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Develop an essay in which you discuss what you have learned about doing fieldwork by seeing the film “The Linguists” Consider not only how people study language specifically, but also what the film shows you about doing fieldwork in general. You should be able to find at least three lessons about doing fieldwork. Use vocabulary and concepts from the readings so far to help you in your discussion. Check your spelling and grammar, and cite any sources you use.

After completing this exercise, students will be able to:

Discuss how anthropologists define language, distinguishing between human use of linguistic symbols and forms of nonhuman communication.
summarize how anthropologists study the rules and elements of language through phonemes, morphemes, syntax, and grammar.
illustrate the role of paralanguage and kinesics in communication, and discuss how electronic messages have attempted to pass along emotional information.
understand the hypothesis proposed by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf
discuss how cultural categories and systems of power shape language, and how language shapes culture.
discuss the social implications of losing one language every ten days, and describe how the disappearance of languages can lead to loss of diverse ways of understanding the world.
describe which languages are spoken most widely around the world
predict how new forms of digital activism are emerging from social media, and how these changes could shape new speech communities.