Discuss the concept of fate as it applies to Oedipus’s life.

Describe the unique way that Gilgamesh displays the heroic trait.
July 30, 2019
Women in Gilgamesh
July 30, 2019

Discuss the concept of fate as it applies to Oedipus’s life.

Answer each prompt, using Standard English and following the correct MLA format from the 7th edition. Creation Myth 1- In the Genesis Creation Myth, Eve is originally created to be a “ help-meet” for Adam. She Quickly devolves into a representation of women by literatures written by men. Discuss which representation fits her portrayal. 2- In the Xena Warrior Princess episodes, “God fearing child” and “Motherhood” there is a portrayal of many Gods, Discuss the concept of how the Gods how portrayed and how this representation is reflective of Greek culture as explained in the Introduction section of your text book. -For the Following be sure to cite specific examples from the text and provide the page number 3- Discuss the 5 ways of how The Epic of Gilgamesh fits the model for the epic. 4- Give 5 ways that show Gilgamesh is an epic hero 5- Discuss 5 ways that The Odyssey fits the model for an epic 6- Discuss 3 ways that Odysseus is an epic hero 7- Discuss 5 ways that Odysseus is an Aristotelian tragic hero 8- Discuss the most common station in life that Penelope and Jocasta posses.(page number Is not necessary) 9- Discuss the concept of fate as it applies to Oedipus’s life. 10- The blind prophet in Oedipus the king is considered to have sight. Explain this contrast to Oedipus, who is depicted as being blind. 11- Discuss the role of hospitality in the Odyssey as it pertains to Book Nine .