Discuss the impacts of food production on natural resources and ecosystems.

Environmental Protection Programs.
September 17, 2019
Endocrine Disruptors are a class of toxicants that can elicit sublethal effects at very low concentrations because the hormones they interfere with are normally present in very low concentrations.
September 17, 2019

Discuss the impacts of food production on natural resources and ecosystems.

Question Description

Please give me these 2 questions’ answers within 1 hour. Please make sure the quality.

1. Recall our lectures on Human Population Growth & Impact, and concisely but comprehensively explain (in ~5-8 sentences):

What is “The Population Problem?”

2. Food production is one of the biggest stressors that we humans exert on the planet. Recall our module readings, videos, and lecture material, and write a response to the following essay prompt.

Food production is one of the biggest stressors that we humans exert on the planet. Recall our module readings, videos, and lecture material, and write a response to the following essay prompt.

In your short essay, you must include the following points:

(1).{ISSUES} discuss the impacts of food production on natural resources and ecosystems — in general, and describe at least 2 specific examples


(2). {SOLUTIONS} describe at least 2 specific changes we can make to create a sustainable food system (at least 1 land-based example + at least 1 fishing/fish farming example) – be clear about why each change would be more sustainable.