Discuss the MALVACEAE Family

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Discuss the MALVACEAE Family

) Scientific name and common name of the family.
2) Botanical characteristics of the family (flowers, leaves, etc.)
3) Representative species found in the family. Be sure to include common species found in the Santa Monica Mountains.
4) Include photos of representative species and/or plant traits (flower and leaf features, growth forms, etc)
5) Geographic distribution of the family
6) Economic importance of the family in terms of food, building materials, textiles, medicines/drugs, ornamental qualities, etc.
7) Ways in which species of the family are or have been associated with the history and folklore of various cultures or regions (for example, do or did native American use any members of the family in special ways?)
8) References. Include a complete list of references. You will find a great deal of information on the internet, but be sure it is a reliable source (not Joe’s Plant Rant Blog). The following books may also help:
• Bailey. Cyclopedia of Horticulture. There is a synopsis of each principal plant family at the beginning of volume 1.
• Dale. Flowering Plants of the Santa Monica Mountains.
• Rundel and Gustafson. Intro to the Plant Life of Southern California
• Munz. A California Flora Flora. Flowers and Flowering Plants
• The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California
• Timbrook . Chumash Ethnobotany
• CalFlora.org
• CNPS.org
• Any book on Economic Bota