Discuss the role of Black soldiers in the American Revolution

English Colonization and the Road to Revolution
August 16, 2021
Was our American Revolution really a “revolution”?
August 16, 2021

Discuss the role of Black soldiers in the American Revolution

Question Description

Discuss the role of Black soldiers in the American Revolution. You must cite page numbers from your textbook to receive credit. Your response must be 150 words minimum.

this is the book( https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_aRCTTXJQeIdWV5Mjk4YXU4MTA/view?usp=drivesdk)

this is some of my classmate answer

The Roles of the Black Soldiers initially started with Some states like Massachusetts and Connecticut barring the slaves from the Military. And then The blacks were called upon to serve and fight against the Europeans groups and the Indians. The Actions developed a tradition of African Americans slaves. The Black Served as in militia companies in various states like Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts. Later on, in May 1775 The Massachusetts Committee had taken the matter of the black Enlistment and had decided that only freemen should serve and that using slaves would be considered “inconsistent with the principles that are to be supported.” Despite the initial battles that the slaves had to uphold The Blacks won the right to fight as Soldiers in the War of Independence. But just after a month the official policy of rejecting the services of the black soldiers and in July 1775 the council meet up and decided against the enlistment of any person that is suspected of being of an enemy to the liberty of America under 18 years of age. Even though the ban didn’t affect the blacks that were already in the service. But then within a few months of the action, an Advocate dismissed all of the blacks in the military establishment. Later down the road Lord Dunmore Royal Governor of Virginia made a statement stating that blacks are free and able to bear arms.

In the past things were more beneficial to you based upon who you knew. George Washington was a man with potential to be a big landowner; the necessity money is what he lacked. George father married into wealth and all his sons followed into his footsteps. George indeed married into wealth; he married the wealthiest widow in the land by the name Martha. They got married in a short period of time which lead to him getting her land and slaves in his ownership sooner. After is marriage he was soon added to the wealthiest list of planters in Virginia. George Washington did not invest much into his slaves. He spent less than a dollar each on adult slave clothes and children often went naked. The American Revolution impacted slavery in a negative way. For Americans to get what they wanted the violently protested and held rallies to get what they wanted. It also affected free slaves, it cause them to be limited to certain actions they were freely able to do before.