Discuss the role of the various landscapes found in Dante’s Hell.

Discuss the concept of Punishment in Dante’s Inferno.
August 16, 2019
How does the punishment relate to the sin that was committed?
August 16, 2019

Discuss the role of the various landscapes found in Dante’s Hell.

Question Description

Select ONE of the following topics and respond in an organized paper

1) Consider carefully the structure Dante gave the Inferno.

Sins of “incontinence” or tremendous lack of self-control leading to very serous moral lapses, are punished in the upper circles. (More details in the attached file)

2) Discuss the role of the various landscapes found in Dante’s Hell.

Choose four or five cantos where you think the physical surroundings are especially important. Look carefully the”geography” or landscape features and weather shown in these cantos. (More details in the attached file)

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