Discuss ways of Preventing homegrown terrorism and lone wolf terrorist tactics.

Articulate how terrorism impacts policy and operations of law enforcement in America.
September 10, 2019
Detail two unique difficulties a lone wolf terrorist act brings to law enforcement.
September 10, 2019

Discuss ways of Preventing homegrown terrorism and lone wolf terrorist tactics.

Question Description

In this unit, we discussed the terms homegrown terrorism and lone wolf terrorist tactics. For this discussion, briefly discuss an example of homegrown terrorism that has occurred both domestically and internationally. Do you believe that lone wolf terrorism can be prevented? If so, how?

Please choose a different domestic and international incident than your peers. In your peer reply, be sure to examine the different thoughts and viewpoints that your fellow peers have expressed about their chosen domestic and international incidents. Do you agree with the counterterrorism strategies outlined? Why, or why not?