Disease and Nutrition

Diabetes Mellitus, type 2.
January 13, 2023
Week 4 Discussion Forum  Kelvar
January 13, 2023

Disease and Nutrition

Disease and Nutrition
This paper uses the profile of JW, who is sixty years. He is African American, six-foot-
tall, and two hundred and thirty pounds heavy. JW travels three days every week, eats three
times a day and excessively occasionally. He is currently on a poor diet (with high calorie and
low nutrients). Additionally, he has hypertension and type 2 diabetes and must lose weight over
the course of three months. Currently, he under medication for the two health conditions
(Metformin 500mg twice a day, multivitamin, and Metroprolol 200mg daily).
This section discusses the excesses and deficiency of JW’s diet. Prior to determining if
the patient lack or has an excess of fats, protein, and carbohydrates, it is important to determine
his micronutrient requirements. A person with JW’s height, weight, and health conditions would
require about 2269 calories every day in order to support metabolism and weight levels.
Specifically, his diet must contain 62 grams of fats per day, 231 grams of carbohydrates every
day, and 63 grams of protein every day. The fast foods he is presently taking have low protein
and high fats, carbohydrates, and calories.
Micronutrients are minerals, as well as vitamins required by the human body, in order to
sustain good health at cellular levels. The required amount includes Vitamin, E, C, A, fiber,
magnesium, potassium, and others. As indicated earlier, the patient’s diet lacks enough protein
but is also missing these micronutrients. It does not have enough fiber. Fast foods do not have
the needed minerals as well as vitamins required to maintain the body