Distinction Between Motivating and Normative Reasons

Is the possibility of moral reform necessary for moral responsibility?
April 4, 2023
Does moral responsibility presuppose the ability to have done otherwise?
April 4, 2023

Distinction Between Motivating and Normative Reasons

1 Is it ever praiseworthy to act against one’s better judgement?
2 When, if ever, is blame justified?
3 Is the ethical distinction between intention and foresight contrived?
4 Either (a) In what sense, if any, is morality relative to the individual?
Or (b) In what sense, if any, is morality relative to a moral
5 Is there a viable distinction between motivating and normative reasons?
6 Either (a) Are all reasons for action a function of sound practical
reasoning? If so, why? If not, why not?
Or (b) Was Hume a Humean about motivation?
7 Either (a) To what extent, if any, are the demands arising from
friendship limited by the demands of impartial morality?
Or (b) What makes two situations relevantly different in moral
8 ‘The traditional link between morality and principles is no more than an
unjustified prejudice.’ Discuss.
9 What makes death bad?
10 What role should autonomy play in end of life decision-making?