Divide in Education

Process Evaluation
April 16, 2023
A Sample of Communication Behavior
April 17, 2023

Divide in Education

Divide in Education
The spread of the new pandemic caused by COCID-19 has forced many service delivery
changes in the education sector. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students have embraced
online communication methods to continue learning after schools were closed until further
notice. Learners and teachers have no option other than adapting to new learning styles.
Educators and teachers are trying to keep their students abreast using online learning methods to
avoid lagging. This paper discusses and reflects on some of the challenges teachers and students
face during the 2020 Fall Semester, as most of them attend virtual classes and remote learning.
Challenges Faced by Teachers in Adopting to Online Learning
Unfortunately, almost all schools were not prepared to deal with the consequences of the
COVID-19 pandemic, such as having schools closed and moving to online learning. Therefore,
the burden of adapting to the new learning methods has been put on teachers even when many do
not have additional training. Additional training would help teachers with modern technological
processes such as having virtual classes, virtual meetings, and how to give, mark, and grade
assignments and exams from online courses (Dhawan, 2020). Teachers have to use various tools
daily to manage all the necessary programs required for online learning continuity without
having anyone available to train them. It would be great if teachers can receive training on how
to use these tools efficiently. After the pandemic, these technological advancements can benefit
teachers when one is sick and unable to go to school or not (Sanford & Irving, 2020). Schools
and governments must accept the new reality and offer teachers training to realize the full
potential of online learning.
Moreover, some teachers reside in remote areas with challenges in network connectivity.
Therefore, teachers in such localities move to neighborhoods with supportive network