Do you think that the Adaptive Learning exercises and Connect resources were useful? How so?

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July 18, 2019

Do you think that the Adaptive Learning exercises and Connect resources were useful? How so?

Question Description

In this course, we worked on skills related to grammar and other writing skills, using the writing process to create organized and developed essays, and incorporating research into your writing. For this post, you’ll write a post in which you reflect not only on the process of writing the previous essay, but also on your progress in the class as a whole. Consider the following questions:

  • What have you learned or reinforced throughout this course?
  • What do you still need to work on?
  • Do you think that the Adaptive Learning exercises and Connect resources were useful? How so?
  • How will you incorporate the skills you learned here with the rest of your coursework, and life?

The last question is the most important one. Make sure to apply the lessons learned and practiced here to the rest of your coursework! Not only will you write better papers and get better grades, but you’ll also get more – and learn more – from the act of writing itself.