Does Hegel have a coherent conception of freedom?

Assess Hegel’s assessment of the philosophy of Kant
April 6, 2023
Does Hegel have a philosophically defensible concept of ‘Spirit’?
April 6, 2023

Does Hegel have a coherent conception of freedom?

1 ‘Kant, as transcendental idealist, is closer to Berkeley than he
acknowledges.’ How fair is this criticism?
2 Explain and assess Kant’s argument for the conclusion that time is an
a priori form of intuition.
3 What does Kant aim to prove in the Transcendental Deduction? How
successful is he?
4 What, if anything, is shown by the Antinomies?
5 ‘The truth of sense-certainty is in fact a universal.’ What does Hegel
mean by this claim and how does he arrive at it?
6 Why does Hegel believe the slave to be in a better position than the
master? How plausible is this belief?
7 Why, in Hegel’s philosophy of history, does reason have to be
‘cunning’? And what does it thereby achieve?
8 Does Hegel have a coherent conception of freedom?
9 ‘The sickly are the greatest danger to man: not the wicked.’
(NIETZSCHE, On the Genealogy of Morality) Can Nietzsche
adequately substantiate this claim?
10 ‘Our fundamental tendency is to assert that the falsest judgements (to
which synthetic judgements a priori belong) are the most fundamental
to us.’ (NIETZSCHE, Beyond Good and Evil) How helpful is this
reference to Kant’s philosophy in understanding Nietzsche’s position?
11 Either (a) Critically assess Nietzsche’s claim that the ‘fundamental
faith’ of philosophers is ‘the faith in antithetical values’.
Or (b) Does Nietzsche offer a physiological refutation of
idealist philosophy?
12 How should we understand the Birth of Tragedy’s vision of a ‘musicmaking Socrates’?