Does the play King Oedipus address its civic role in terms of providing moral and political education to the community at that time?

The Aegean World & The Rise of Greece
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August 2, 2019

Does the play King Oedipus address its civic role in terms of providing moral and political education to the community at that time?

ENG 125 FINAL ESSAY Due: 6:00 p.m. on JULY 25, 2018 PRINT NAME: Aristotle, Sophocles and Sigmund Freud Please answer all the questions below in the exact same chronological order to develop a wellorganized and coherent essay clearly specifying your response. Greek drama played an important civic role in ancient Greece. Does the play King Oedipus address its civic role in terms of providing moral and political education to the community at that time? Trace the educational elements which portray the civic role of this play. Do you think this play can still fulfill a civic role now in the current times? Do you think Gods played an important role in this play? Could the plot of this play survive alone without the Gods? Do you think it is the riddle of the Sphinx begins the cycle of destiny and fate which also starts the concurrent cycle of ironical twists and turns in the play? Why or why not? Is it destiny which plays a major role in the play or is it the actions and ignorance of the characters themselves which plays a pivotal role in shaping the events in this play? Can Oedipus be blamed for the tragedy in this play or is there any other character who you think is responsible? Explain the paradox of blindness vs. knowledge and ignorance vs. knowledge in this play. Trace the importance of the character of Tiresias in this play. Does his character impact the plot of the play in any way? Sigmund Freud based the concept of Oedipal Complex on this play. Do you really believe that there is any demonstration of Oedipal Complex in this play or does Oedipus get punished for no fault of his own? Explain your answers clearly and coherently with examples from the text. Your arguments should be logically arranged to provide an organized structure to your essay. Please do not quote long passages from the text. ‘Yes’ and ‘no’ answers without any explanation/foundation will not earn any grade. Instructions for successful completion of this assignment are included on the page 2. ENG 125 FINAL ESSAY Due: 6:00 p.m. on JULY 25, 2018 PRINT NAME: Aristotle, Sophocles and Sigmund Freud Explain your answers clearly by building a firm foundation. Yes and No answers will not earn any credit. Instructions for successful completion of this assignment: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please attach this assignment instruction sheet with your submission. This essay should be your own original work. You must answer all questions in the exact chronological order as they are listed. Please write in first-person voice clearly explaining your response. Your essay should be clear, coherent and neatly divided into paragraphs. You must include an introduction and a well developed conclusion. Please do not quote any secondary sources. Your submission should not exceed SEVEN double-spaced typed pages. Your submission should not be less than FIVE complete double-spaced typed pages. Your essay should be typed using the MLA format on standard 8/12 X 11 inch white paper only – 12 point font – TIMES NEW ROMAN. Only stapled papers will be accepted. Papers left in my mailbox or slipped under my office door will not be accepted. *Please refer to your syllabus for making email submissions. Late papers will not be accepted.