Dynamic Collection of Records

Briefly explain hash functions, hash tables and collisions
March 20, 2023
Consider a directed acyclic graph with V vertices and E edges
March 20, 2023

Dynamic Collection of Records

Algorithms (DJW)
We wish to store a dynamic collection of records, each of the form {timestamp,
value}, where value is a real number. The collection should support the operations
append_newer(t,v) to add a new record (which we can assume has a larger
timestamp than any existing record), pop_oldest() to remove the oldest record,
and get_oldest() to inspect the oldest without removing it.
(a) Define the Queue abstract data type. Describe an implementation using a linked
list. Explain how to use it for this dynamic collection of records. [3 marks]
The collection should also support get_max(), which returns a pointer to the record
with the highest value in the collection. Ties may be broken arbitrarily.
(b) A simple implementation of get_max() simply scans through the entire list.
What is the worst-case cost, given the number n of items in the collection?
[1 mark]
(c) An engineer friend suggests keeping a pointer maxrecord to the record with the
largest value so that the entire list only need be rescanned when the item pointed
to by maxrecord is removed. Give an example to show that n operations could
take Ω(n
) time. [3 marks]
(d) Explain the terms amortized cost and potential method. Explain the relationship
between aggregate true costs and aggregate amortized costs. [4 marks]
(e) Devise an implementation in which all operations have O(1) amortized cost, and
use the potential method to justify your answer. Illustrate what happens when
we start with a list of values [5, 8, 3, 6, 2] where 5 is oldest and 2 is newest, and
then append a newer record with value 7. [Hint: Where is the largest item newer
than maxrecord, and the largest item newer than this, and so on?] [9 marks]