Essay outlining your own moral position on world hunger using Utilitarianism theory.

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August 1, 2019

Essay outlining your own moral position on world hunger using Utilitarianism theory.

Question Description

Write on one of the following essay topics:

1) Write an essay outlining your own moral position on world hunger.In the body of your essay you should start by contrasting Singer and O’Neill’s views, and then construct your own view of the issue.Please do not merely reiterate one or the other position as your own.You must clearly articulate the moral principle(s) and the facts that you believe are pertinent to the position that you take.You may use only normative theoretical approaches we studied this term thus, Aristotle, Aquinas, Utilitarianism (either version), Kant or Ross. All interpretive remarks should cite the readings used.

2) Write an essay outlining your own view of abortion.Use the essays by Noonan and Warren as presenting two extremes on the issue – one natural law, the other utilitarian.Do you hold to either view, or do you have a third view?Please do not merely reiterate one or the other position.You must clearly articulate the moral principle and the facts that you believe are pertinent to the position that you take.You may use only normative theoretical approaches we studied this term thus, Aristotle, Aquinas, Utilitarianism (either version), Kant or Ross.All interpretive remarks should cite the readings used.