Ethics and quality control in healthcare

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Ethics and quality control in healthcare

Ethics and quality control in healthcare
Working in healthcare facilities is rewarding but challenging when it comes to adhering
ethics. Healthcare ethics are the basis of safeguard patient’s health by adhering to best practices
as required by healthcare principles. Ethics in healthcare has four principles; autonomy,
beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. The autonomy principle suggests that the patients
have the right to their body and the nurse can only give advice. Beneficence helps health workers
to do all they can to help the patient, non-maleficence suggests that health workers should
consider if the decision made harm the society and justice ensures a fair distribution of resources
(Darr, 2005). Quality control is measures taken by healthcare to promote service delivery. They
include a clean environment, training employees and testing types of equipment. The nurse being
any professional, I find this information helpful since it equips me with knowledge of ethical
practices. I will be able to handle patients without making a decision that will harm or