Ethics in Criminal Justice Technology

Justice: Varying Perspectives
August 7, 2020
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August 7, 2020

Ethics in Criminal Justice Technology

Each advance in technology brings with it moral questions about its application in the modern world. The ability of police and other agencies to monitor what were once private conversations and communications raises serious ethical questions about the right to privacy and the governments need to know.Information Technology and Moral Values(Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.explores the relationship between morality and modern technologies (Sullins 2012). In this discussion provide the framework for an ethical policy that protects privacy while ensuring security. What are the most important protections from the Bill of Rights to be afforded to modern technological communications?
This assignment should be 400 words. Please list references used.
Also the Guided response should be 200 words.
Guided Response: Whenever examining technology issues in criminal justice always consider how to improve the system. When there are technological advances security concerns are often paramount. How much of a role can/should the government play in new technology and ethically what are the rights of people to privacy when choosing new technology?