Ethics of Care, Virtue Theory, Kantian Deontology, Utilitarianism.

Business Ethics.
August 1, 2019
Is utilitarianism a relativist ethical view? Does utilitarianism imply that the same things are right or wrong in every society?
August 1, 2019

Ethics of Care, Virtue Theory, Kantian Deontology, Utilitarianism.

Question Description


  • You are to choose 1 theory from the following: Ethics of Care, Virtue Theory, Kantian Deontology, Utilitarianism.
  • You are to pick 5 case studies from either the one’s already discussed or from the text. It’s easier if you pick from the one’s already discussed. But that’s up to you.
  • Clearly and accurately, explain/summarize the theory you have chosen. This is worth 40 points.
  • Clearly and accurately, summarize each case study (This is worth 40 points) before analyzing that case study with the theory you have chosen (This is worth 40 points).
  • Make sure your paper is well written, grammatically correct, properly punctuated etc. In other words, make sure it is readable. This is worth 40 points.
  • When grading these papers, the last thing I will consider is the quality of the paper: does it reflect critical thinking skills? Does the writer carefully consider the issue? Etc. This is the final 40 point.
  • This paper should be more than 8 pages but less than 12 pages.