Evaluate claims that the modern political system is beholden to elitism via the technocracy, Wall Street, and other interests

Elitism and Crony Capitalism Assignment Instructions
May 21, 2021
Evaluate the impacts of statist intervention and efforts to pursue “cosmic justice” on various public policy outcomes.
May 21, 2021

Evaluate claims that the modern political system is beholden to elitism via the technocracy, Wall Street, and other interests

Please discuss the following:

  • Evaluate claims that the modern political system is beholden to elitism via the technocracy, Wall Street, and other interests
  • Evaluate the merits of “societal pluriformity” as it relates to the modern American context
  • Evaluate the above in light of Biblical principles of government and statesmanship.


Presentation: Elitism & Crony Capitalism (Pt. 1)5:43

to cite this transcript, please use this format:  Fischer, K. (2018). Week Six  Presentation:Presentation: Elitism & Crony Capitalism  (5:43)
