Evaluate the email system in terms of various risk factors associated while implementing the system.

Discuss what you see as your role (or potential role) in students’ growth and development.
July 21, 2019
o cope with the increase of traffic as well as the dimension of organizations, several architectures have been evolving, such as cluster computing, promising new paradigms of service delivery
July 21, 2019

Evaluate the email system in terms of various risk factors associated while implementing the system.

Question Description

Task 1:Submit a work proposal within 24 Hours that include:

a) Understanding ñ a detail description of deliverables.

b) General overview of plan – initial understanding and solution.

c) Resources identified.

d) Time schedule.

Task 2: Read the attached senario and solve the questions.

Question 1: (1-2 Pages)

Select published papers reference which is published year 2014 and above (preferably from the ACM DL or IEEE CSDL) that is discussing one aspect of Mail server(For example: Mail services, security, etc.).

Question 2: (2-3 pages)

Based on your literature review, analyze your preferred email communication system that suits the above case study; provide your justification in detail.

Question 3: (3-4 pages)

Evaluate the email system in terms of various risk factors associated while implementing the system.

**** Use Diagrams, and Examples to explain your topic.

**** Total word count should not be more than 4,000 words.

**** Attach the research paper you have choosen.

**** In-citations are required and referencing in CU Harvard Style.

**** Atleast 10 References.