Evidence-based academic papers or chapters

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June 24, 2019

Evidence-based academic papers or chapters

This is what the teacher wrote about the assignment.
“Using the behavior you have targeted for remediation as the focus of your research, read at least three evidence-based academic papers or chapters on the behavior you have identified. At least one of your sources must have been published in the last two years.

In a 3-5 page essay, compare and contrast the perspectives of each author on the:

(1) socio-emotional, physiological or environmental causes for the behavior;

(2) the manifestation, impact, and goal of the behavior in the school setting ( what the student subconsciously or consciously aims to achieve by the behavior), including impact on the physical and emotional safety of others; and

(3) school-based strategies or interventions that have been used to alleviate or replace the behavior, and their rate of success.

In the final paragraph(s) of your essay, explain how the research has impacted your own observations (challenged or refuted them, broadened your conceptions of possible causes and solutions, caused you to restate your definition of the problematic behavior, etc.).”
I attached my fba assignment, where I write about the behavior of grabbing objects from others.