Examine the role(s) of jealousy, love, and/or betrayal in the Othello by Shakespeare.

Introduction to Shakespeare Tragedy and Shakespearean Tragic Hero.
August 3, 2019
Examine the role of race and racism in Othello. How does Othello’s perceived racial difference as a “Moor” influence the way others see him and the way he sees himself?
August 3, 2019

Examine the role(s) of jealousy, love, and/or betrayal in the Othello by Shakespeare.

Question Description

Your research paper will need to be 1000 words in length, and you will need a minimum of 4 academic sources for this assignment. Remember, you will also need to cite the play on your Works Cited page.

Topics for your Research Paper are as follows:

-Examine the role(s) of jealousy, love, and/or betrayal in the play. {You may want to choose only one issue.}

-Examine the character and motivation of Iago. Why does he hate Othello so much?

-Explore the character of Desdemona. What does she represent in the play?

-Consider the role of the handkerchief. How can such a small piece of cloth cause so much trouble? Is it realistic that this small cloth can cause so much destruction?

-Examine the relationship between Emilia and Iago and/or Desdemona and Othello. Compare and contrast the couple’s views on love, hate, and marriage.

-Compare and contrast the issue of loyalty in the play. You may want to focus on one character’s interpretation or misinterpretation of loyalty.

-Examine the role of the setting and/or geography in Othello.

-The main characters of this play are, in fact, Iago and Othello. However, it has been argued that Iago serves as the protagonist of the play instead of Othello. Choose either Iago or Othello as the protagonist and argue your reasoning.

-Emilia’s role is extremely significant for the resolution of the plot. How does Emilia’s character change from stealing the handkerchief, a dishonest deed, to telling the truth about her own husband’s deceit while also implicating her as well?

-Roderigo is seen as the gullible, wealthy character of the play. Does Roderigo’s character change throughout the play as he becomes aware of Iago’s deceit?

-Michael Cassio is a character who knows the importance of reputation. How does his role in Othello support his claims that reputation is everything to him?