Explain how a function value may be represented at run-time

Explain a possible run-time mechanism
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March 21, 2023

Explain how a function value may be represented at run-time

2009 Paper 5 Question 2
Compiler Construction
Consider an ML-like language in which the set of values includes functions and
these functions may have nested definitions.
(a) Explain how a function value may be represented at run-time, both in a syntaxtree interpreter and in compiled code. What is the importance of the word
“nested” above? [3 marks]
(b) Give an example program that gives different results in static and dynamic
scoping. In each case, explain how an interpreter or compiled code might
perform function application. [3 marks]
(c) Considering only static scoping from now on, explain what restrictions are
necessary to implement function values without using an auxiliary heap.
Explain the notions of static and dynamic chains, giving an example of a
situation in which they differ (i.e. reference to the wrong one would access the
wrong variable). Illustrate how updating (by assignment to) a free variable
can be implemented. [5 marks]
(d) Give an alternative heap-based implementation for function values when
the restrictions in part (c) do not hold. Explain how free variables (and
particularly their update) can now be implemented. [4 marks]
(e) Java normally holds local variables in stack frames and instance variables on
the heap. Consider a Java-like language with nested classes, and a possible
program of the form:
class C {
int f(int x)
{ class D { int addx(int y) { return x+y; }
void updtx(int y) { x = y; }

Explain a possible implementation of such nested classes based on your answers
above; also give and justify a restriction on methods like updtx that eases the
cost of implementation. [5 marks]