Explain how Descartes prove the 3rd certainty, which is The Cause of any Effect must be “As Real” if not “More Real” than the Effect?

Examine the Feminist perspectives on Epistemology in Perry’s Women’s Ways of Knowing.
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August 14, 2019

Explain how Descartes prove the 3rd certainty, which is The Cause of any Effect must be “As Real” if not “More Real” than the Effect?

Question Description

1/ Explain how Descartes prove the 3rd certainty, which is The Cause of any Effect must be “As Real” if not “More Real” than the Effect, from start ( the ideas of things in the physical worlds) to finish (the certainty of the real existence of things in the physical world) be thorough.

2/ Was Descartes successful in proving the Skeptics wrong about certain knowledge exists, and could a skeptic successfully argue against the certainty of one, two, all or none of Descartes certainties?

3/ Why was it necessary for Descartes to prove each certainty in the exact order that he proved them in?

4/ Essay question: Explain how the skeptic, Michel de Montaigne argues against each of the other 3 views on Epistemology that claim there is certain knowledge. Be thorough. Three paragraphs each view in a paragraph.

Please make sure you stay on topic and be superficial. Kindly see the attach file for reference. It is my notes from class. Thank you