Explain the programming technique known as memoization, detailing the cases to which it applies

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March 20, 2023
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March 20, 2023

Explain the programming technique known as memoization, detailing the cases to which it applies

Algorithms (FMS)
(a) Transform the following recurrence
f(x) = f(

x) + c
into a closed-form expression for the function f (that is, an expression that does
not contain f). Having done that, give the asymptotic complexity of f using
big-O notation. [4 marks]
(b) (i) Explain the programming technique known as memoization, detailing the
cases to which it applies. [4 marks]
(ii) In a few lines of pseudocode, write a memoized recursive function to
compute the ith Fibonacci number F(i), with i ∈ N \ {0}. Recall that
F(1) = 1, F(2) = 1,… [4 marks]
(c) Computing a recursive function f on arrays, when called on an array of size n,
results in 2n
recursive calls to f. After memoizing f, on an array of a specific
size n0 we observe that about 90% of the calls to f return a memoized result
rather than invoking f recursively. Is either of the following statements correct?
Justify your answers.
(i) “The number of recursive calls goes down by a factor of ten; so it will take
1/10 of the time it used to, that is, it will run 10 times faster.” [2 marks]
(ii) “Previously, the function did 2n
recursive calls. Now it does 0.9· c1 +0.1·2
recursive calls. That is still O(2n
), so the asymptotic complexity of the
function is still the same (even after memoization).” [2 marks]
(d) Some implementations of the Quicksort algorithm select the pivot at random,
rather than taking the last entry in the input array.
(i) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a choice. [1 mark]
(ii) How would you construct an input to trigger quadratic running time for this
randomised Quicksort, without having access to the state of the random
number generator? [3 marks]