Explain the steps involved in using the Miller–Rabin test to check whether a number N is composite

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Explain the steps involved in using the Miller–Rabin test to check whether a number N is composite

Advanced Algorithms
Explain the steps involved in using the Miller–Rabin test to check whether a number
N is composite. This will involve computing a
N−1 mod N for some value of a.
[10 marks]
Carry out the steps for N = 65 and a = 1, 2, 8 and 12. Comment on what (if
anything) each partial result tells you about N and which cases (if any) help you
to decide whether N is prime or what its factors might be.
Pretend throughout the calculation that you do not know that 65 = 5×13. Proceed
as though 65 were a huge number, imagining that you do not know at the outset
whether it is prime or composite and that you are certainly unable to spot any
factors. [10 marks]